Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Patrick Sharp Interview - 2010 NHL Awards

Last month we met with the Chicago Blackhawks resident handsome bastard Patrick Sharp at the 2010 NHL Awards in Las Vegas to discuss the Canucks, the cap, and the Cup. These are his stories.

Q: Talk about the your playoff series with the Vancouver Canucks this year.
A: It’s a great rivalry. I think they’ve got a team that is capable of winning every year and they've given us a tough effort the past two seasons in the playoffs. It’s one of those rivalries where two teams probably don’t like each other very much but at the end of the day have a lot of respect for each other. I’m sure we’re going to face them again down the road.

: Do you notice the Canucks improving from year to year? Were they harder to play against this season than last?
A: It’s tough to say. I mean they’re tough to play against every time we play them whether it’s the regular season or the playoffs. We seem to have some exciting games against them, lots of fights, lots of bad blood between the two teams. But like I said they’re two teams that I think are going in the right direction with a lot of young talent. Two teams that are capable of winning. You know, who knows, whoever wins that series could have won it all. We could be watching the Canucks walking around with the Cup right now.

: Chicago had a special team this year but now they have salary cap issues. How does it feel to see some of your teammates get traded today?
A: It’s tough. I don’t think it’s catching anyone by surprise. At the same time it’s always difficult to see guys you played with and won a championship with move on. Whoever’s leaving the team you got to wish them the best of luck going forward and remember we did something special this year. We can always remember that.

: How are you going to spend your day with the Stanley Cup?
A: It’s a good question. I’m just trying to figure that out right now. I’ve got a lot of plans. People back in Thunder Bay are starting to get pretty spoiled. They had Eric Staal bring it back a few years ago, Jordan Staal last year, and now me. It’s going to be a fun day. I’ll just get my family and friends involved.

: Have you picked a day yet or are you still jockeying for dates?
A: I’ve picked a day but we’re still trying to figure all that stuff out. It’s the toughest job in hockey trying to put that schedule together.

Many thanks to Patrick for speaking with us. Best of luck next season.

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